July 26, 2007

simple fetuccine recipe

Filed under: pasta — vhem @ 8:11 am

I don’t know how to cook fetuccine before. When I was assigned in one of the banks in our area, i met this wonderful mom who loves fetuccine.  She let me taste it… simple but yummy! I asked for the recipe and cooked it in my house. My family loved it! I’m sharing the recipe…


1 kl fetuccine pasta cooked according to direction 
shredded boiled chicken breast
1/2 bar butter
lotsa garlic!
4 packs all purpose cream
1 pack fresh milk
1 bar cheese or parmesan cheese
white or black pepper
2 chicken or beef cubes

> saute garlic in butter
> put the cream and the milk
> add the cheese and pepper
> simmer
> put the sauce in the cooked pasta and mix together with the chicken
> sprinkle with more parmesan cheese if desired
> and toasted bacon if desired
> goble!

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